Friday, November 10, 2006

Some Point No One...

This is a mail which I had sent to my classmates during our vacation..
I missed them badly.......

As I step out of auto and enter the campus, the senior watchman dressed in his khakhi asks me “ Kyun Ram babu, ghar nahi gaye aap”? . I try to dodge his question with my usual tactics..dont really know whether he was convinced. But the sense of naivety in his face told me that he would have been. I walk past the main lounge which was for obvious reasons empty. Images of Mohalla bolta hain and all those regional festivals which used to arouse fervor of festivity flashed across my mind. I march ahead and reach the cross road in front of the library and LH. Parul is busy on her phone talking to ..ehem….cant make any comment on that..u see….I can see Kingshuk, Subrato and their respective KANK families sitting in the lounge and sharing their moments of joy. I can hear them talking loudly in Bangla. In a few seconds, Kingshuk spots me and hides his face….haha…boy he is one person who can make you laugh without doing much…
I see the library and wonder when I will go there. For me, truly it’s a place to visit.
I walk past the phone booth crushing the brownish yellow foliage that had suddenly become ubiquitous, thanks to the autumn season. It seems the crows also had gone on hibernation along with the hostel inmates. The entire ambience was so tacit contrary to the din that usually characterizes the campus.

Finally I enter the Men’s hostel. I seat myself on the raised platform beside the corridor in front of Joseph’s room. Just as it is getting dark I see a motley crowd over there getting ready for some musical extravaganza. Joseph steps out of his room singing the song “ Tere bin..” pointing his finger towards me with a smile. Romida and his roomies join in. Neville glides his fingers over the strings and what we have is perfect harmony. Raghav comes along with his hand brushing his chin. I wonder what he is thinking. Suddenly we spot a beautiful girl coming out of the indoor stadium. I look at Raghav and say that “wow..she is beautiful..” Raghav retorts “ Bhabhi hain teri…”.

I move upstairs and reach room no.18. Its open. I see Goel sahib reading some book on philosophy. Must be some isms…Seeing me, he asks…” prapanchi insaan, kahan tha u..” I throw my bag onto the bed, tell some lie and move out of the room. I knock on the door of room no. 22. “ Khula hain…” shouts Subhashish..I open the door only to find him engrossed in some work of flash. I think I should escape before he asks me for my valuable comments on the artistic piece of work that he has just completed. I move ahead to room no. 25. Major is lying in his bed. Sporting a blue shorts torn at some places that can’t be disclosed, with a fag in one hand and phone in the other, he is engaged in a romantic undertaking.
On hearing the sound of the door opening, JD turns back and sees me. He asks “ Oye BW, aa gaya tu….Aaj raat ka kya plan hain…”
“Abhi tak to kuch nahi…lekin jab plan banega to sabse pehle tumhe bataoonga”, I say.

I come down and sit on the verandah near Joseph’s room. There was no one. No music. No guitar. Everything had become silent. Sensing some sort of vibration, I take out my mobile from my pocket. No. There was no call. I desperately stare into my mobile to see whether any call was coming. I take out a cig from my pocket and light it. There is a plume of smoke around me. The huge tree beside me has cast its shadow…a long spooky one. I desperately try to keep my self awake as I sense there is some kind of danger of intrusion by an enemy whose name is loneliness into my well guarded fort, my mind. I say to myself. Its 30th. Just one more day to go…..


Anonymous said...

evanede eee thendi.

Anonymous said...

May be you should try ur hand at making movies..or screen play or something....